Why You Should Learn To Sew

Have you been wondering Why You Should Learn To Sew? There are so many good reasons, from mending an old pair of jeans to making your own style garments!

If someone told you that sewing is just for grandmas, today I’m going to tell you why young and old people love to sew!

Why You Should Learn To Sew - SewingI’m sure you have thought before “this top would look better if had this… or this blouse would look better if the sleeves were this way. A good reason for learning to sew is to be able to customize any cloth to make a perfect fit or to make it look just the way you want to.

Some times we spend lots of time looking for a specific piece of clothing and after a few hours browsing in a few stores, we find something similar or you can’t find it at all. Learning to sew will help you to make your own clothing the way you just want or to modify any piece of clothing to make it a perfect fit or to make it in your own style.

Why You Should Learn To Sew

Reasons For Learning To Sew

Why You Should Learn To Sew - Yarn In Needle

Developing Hand Eye Coordination

1 – How many times do you need to try to thread a needle before you get it done?

Threading a needle requires a skilled hand, and you need to get skilled enough to get the thread through the eye of the needle. As you try to do it for the first time, you might see how hard it is to get it right the first time, but as you keep on it, soon you will see your got good at it, and it only takes just a few seconds to get it right.

As you work on a first sewing project, you can see how many different steps you need to work on, from laying the pattern on the fabric and pinching a few pins, to make the right cut with a good pair of scissors.

Working on your sewing machine to make the perfect seams will help you to get the professional finish on every project you make, every step on sewing requires a good hand-eye coordination.

Start with easy to sew projects and before you notice your hand-eye coordination will get better and better and you’ll be making amazing projects then!

Learning Mathematics Skills

2 – At school you might wonder why to learn mathematics?

Sewing is so related to math, even if we don’t like it, every sewer gets so good at it! (even me)

From counting how many threads you need to put in your needle to taking measures for your next project, no matter if it is a simple project you’ll be making a pillowcase for a chair or if you want to make a new dress for yourself or for a friend.

Everything is math when you work on a new project. And it will help you to work on them as you work on any project, it will help you to keep your brain active and in good shape!

Don’t worry if today, you’re not good at math, if you love to sew, you will get really good at math as you work on different projects.

With time and practice, you will get very good at it, and then you will enjoy every step of your next project.

Why You Should Learn To Sew

Planning And Preparation For Any Project

3 – When working on Sewing projects you will need to plan and to prepare everything you need for each project. You will need to think about the steps to follow from start to finish of a project.

You will need also to think about everything you need for each project, from what type of fabric will be the best for each project, to making a list of notions each project requires.

When thinking about the steps to follow, you will need to know in advance what type of sewing machine you need for each project and also need to think if you have all the skills you need to make it, or if you need to learn a new skill to make that particular project.

When there’s a good list of easy to sew projects that will require easy planning and get everything ready to make it, there are some projects that will make you face some new challenges as a sewer.

Sewing is always a great adventure to keep working on and you will be better at it as you keep sewing new projects.

You can also read: Free Sewing Project Planner Template

Why You Should Learn To Sew - Mending Jeans

Mending Your Clothes

4 – Worry about a missing button on a piece of cloth you want to wear today?

When you learn to sew, there will be no more missing buttons or any hole on your clothes! All your clothes will be at their best and always ready to help you to look better!

From learning easy sewing tasks such as to sew basic stitches, how to patch a hole, mend a seam, or fix a hem, you will learn everything you need to make a new dress or even to dare to make that special dress for an important event.

Why You Should Learn To Sew

Making Your Own Clothes

5 – If buying a new dress is something everyone loves, making your own clothes is something even better!

Making a new piece of clothing for yourself or for a member of your family is something that you will enjoy the most when you learn how to sew!

From making simple pieces of clothing at the beginning will help you to learn the basics of sewing and as you get better at it, you will take a bigger risk to try higher skill level sewing projects.

Start with a summer dress with an easy pattern or some simple home decor projects, soon you’ll be ready to sew a winter coat or why not, you’re swimming suit for next Summer!

Why You Should Learn To Sew

Improve Your Creativity

6 – Learning to sew will help you to grow your own creativity, from changing the buttons on a new blouse for different buttons that will help the blouse to look better and unique, to start making every piece of clothing a unique piece no one else can have!

Making a different or unique piece of clothing doesn’t take much, from changing the buttons, to add a good-looking patch to it, to add some embroidery stitches here and there.

Tired already to use the same blouse or dress? Why not to make some changes here and there, it will look different and unique!

You can also read: Choosing The Best Sewing Machine For Teenagers

Sewing Can Save You Money

7 – Making garments, home decor or crafts can save you money, when you think about the price you need to pay for anything when you make a purchase at the store!

Learning easy to sew project at the beginning like a drawstring bag will help you to learn the basic of sewing, later, you can sew any project like making your own garments and by making them you’ll be saving money!

Why You Should Learn To Sew - SewingClosing Thoughts For Why You Should Be Learning To Sew

There are so many good reasons why you should take your sewing machine out of the closet and thread it to work on a project, from just fixing a hole in your favorite pair of jeans to add some notions to any piece of clothing to make it into a unique piece of your personal style!

Sewing is back, and everyday more people are taking their sewing machines out from the closet to start working on any skill level projects to make amazing things, whether it is a need to make a new face mask to protect you and your family, making something to make your home cozier or making a new garment for that special event on your calendar!

As you learn to sew, you will be part of this sewing and quilting club people that can grab a piece of fabric and turn it into something unique!

Do you have already a sewing machine at home? Tell me on a comment what model is it?

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1 thought on “Why You Should Learn To Sew”

  1. Thank you ,

    I enjoyed reading your article which took me back to my childhood when I first learnt to sew. I remember making two great items which I still possess. The first was a blouse done in my own style which I actually still wear. The second was a stuffed squirrel which I really like. After reading this you have inspired me to going back to doing my own clothes at least every now and again. It is good to be creative and I think covid-19 has made us reassess life. 

    Thanks again

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