Sewing Pins Guide And Their Uses

Sewing Pins are the perfect tool to hold a pattern, or two layers of fabric while you stitch on your project. This Guide will tell you what pin to get for your projects.

Sewing Pins are one of the most used notions in sewing, and there are many different types of pins, each one of them is designed to help the sewer to get the best results on any project you want to make.

The difference of getting the best results on your project is the time you work on the pinning, as it will help you to get the accurate seams and it will help you to stitch on any seam.

Sewing Pins Guide

Sewing Pins Guide – A Pin For Every Purpose

Pins are one of the must have sewing tools you must have in the sewing room and we will go through some types of pins you can find in the market.

Getting the right type of pins for your project will help you to get the best results and work with ease on any project.

Multi-use or Ball-head Pin – These pins are the most used by sewers around the world, they are easy to find in specialty stores in your city, they are on the cheap side, long with a ball head and many times they will have a blunt point, this made them not the best pins you want to use on your projects as they might do some damage on the fabric you’re using on a project.

Ballpoint Pins – Used for knits, they are short with rounded point, they are made to get through the fiber of the fabric or knits with ease.

Pearl-head Pins – They are made large, long and thick, one of their main characteristic is that they all have a large plastic head, they don’t bent easily and will go through thick fabrics with ease, if you make often sewing projects with canvas, denim or other thick materials, you might want to have these pins in your sewing room.

Quilter Pins – Made long, with large head, they will help you to pin multiple layers of fabric with ease. These pins are essential to help quilters to match seams when working on the piecing of any top for a quilt.

Applique Pins – They’re short, thin and with sharp point, designed and made to help sewers to pin any applique on their projects, and also to work on making cloths for dolls.

T-head Pins – These pins take their name due to their shape, a flat head shaped like a T, they are good for pinning fur and crafts.

Fork Pins – Used by quilters to get accurate picing, mostly used when piecing triangles and when you want to get accurate points on the piecing, the first thing to do is to nest the seams, then you can pinch a fork pin on the seam and both points of this pin will be pinching both sides of the seam, holding the pieces well and tight as you stitch on by hand or with your sewing machine. When stitching the seam on your sewing machine, the curved end will give you the perfect grip to remove the pin as you stitch on.

Flower Head Pins – These pins are made large, with a thick shaft and with a sharp point, one of the features that stands out is they are easy to handle because their flat head. They will help the sewer and the quilter to pinch the pin with ease while working on a garment construction or on any step of the make of a quilt. These pins are made with good quality and they will last long.

Glass-head Pins – These pins are made of better quality, they might be found on a higher price, but they are worth it, you can find them in different lengths, and they have a sharp point that will last with time and use, helping you to work with them with ease on all your projects getting accurate seams all the time. For these features these pins are the favorite of sewers and quilters alike.

Why Quilters Prefer The Flower Head Pins?

As we mention above, these pins have many features that will help sewers and quilters to get the best results on any project they make.

But when we think about any quilters needs when working on the piecing for a new quilt top, these pins will help the quilter to get the best results on every step of the project.

When working on the piecing, they are easy to pinch on any type of fabric, and it’s length will help yo to pinch it with ease.

The big flat head will stand out from any print and color of the fabric you’re working with, the flat head will help you to pile a good amount of pieces to get them ready to work on the chain production, which is the best way to work on the piecing for a new quilt top.

Why To Prefer To Buy A Good Quality Pin Than A Cheap Pin?

By my own experience, I learned that quilters might start working on a new project before the current projects are finished very often, from this you can see very often quilters talking about their UFOs (Unfinished Projects)

If you leave a cheap pin pinched on a project for some time, with the humidity the pins can be oxided and will leave an undecided oxide spot on your project, which is hard to remove and you might need to remove the piece of fabric.

When you work with good quality pins, they are designed knowing the sewers and quilters needs, and they know that some projects will be in storage for some time before getting finished, and they know well, sewers and quilters will love to get back to their projects without finding any bad surprise on them.

Another good reason to put some money on good quality pins is how easy they can be pinched on any type of fabric, without making any damage on the fibers.

Where To Buy Sewing Pins?

You can find good quality pins on the specialty store shelves, but you can also purchase them online. (affiliate link)

Sewing Pins Guide – Closing Thoughts

When you love to sew, making quilts or making crafts, you will learn that pins will be the best sewing supplies you can have on your work table.

Taking the time to pin every step of the project, it will help you to get the accurate seams to get the best results always!

Pins can be cheap or your can put more money on it, I will suggest going always for the second choice, you will make your investment on the best pins to have in your sewing room, knowing they will last longer and they will help you to get the best results on all your projects.


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Sewing Pins Guide

4 thoughts on “Sewing Pins Guide And Their Uses”

  1. thanks for this article it’s real value.

    I usually have to put off new projects because i can’t stand spots on my designs. You’ve just helped me realise that i don’t need to worry if i get the right  kind of pins.

    Of all the pins which one have you reviewed, worked with & recommend for a profesional quilter?

    • Hi Sebastian Ephraim

      On my work table, right next to the sewing machine, I have always the pincushion with a few different types of pins, this way, whether I’m working on a sewing or a quilting project, I can keep working on the project with the right pin, I could not say I have a favourite pin, I have a few of each type, this way I can work better on any project.

      Thank you for leaving a comment, happy sewing!

  2. I had no idea there were different pins. I used to do sewing many years ago but only from necessity, so didn’t go into too deeply. I am surprised there are so many but it does make sense with the different types of sewing they are required for.

    This was interesting and informative to read. If I take up sewing again I will know bout the different types of pins and which are best to use, thank you.

  3. Thank you tons! So I bought a sewing machine and god the entire kit included. Among the rest of the equipment, I received these sewing pins too and had no idea what they were for. Thanks a lot for this AMAZING sewing pins guide and their uses which I am sure is of tremendous help for all of us beginners out there. 

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