Best Resources For Learning New Sewing Techniques

The Best Resources For Learning New Sewing Techniques will help you find the new sewing technique you’re looking for to help you to work on your new projects.

It doesn’t matter if you’re new to sewing or if you have been sewing for a while, there will be always a new technique that will help you to work better and that will help you to save time as you work on your own projects.

Sewers around the world, always come up with one, two, or more steps to do something in a better and easier way, today with the internet, we all have the opportunity to learn from each other to get better results on our sewing adventures.

No matter how many times I’ve sewn one thing, I’m always looking for new ways to do it, and I’m happy when I see a new blog article that helps me to work on it, other times it can be a YouTube video, and all this new information and tutorials always help me to do better.

If you’re also interested to learn from others, you might find these 6 resources will help you as much as they help me find tutorials and how to lesson to work better on your sewing journey.

The Best Resources For Learning New Sewing Techniques

  1. YouTube
  2. Blogs
  3. Pinterest
  4. How To Books
  5. Online Classes
  6. In Person Classes

YouTube Sewing Channels

1 – It doesn’t matter if a video is sharing a tutorial for a beginner on how to sew a zipper or if the video shares a tutorial to master the art of making an elegant outfit, videos are here to help beginners and the more experienced sewer to do everything better.

From learning the basic of sewing to learning a different way to sew anything, you can look for any sewing technique and you’ll find not only one, but a few videos to watch.

Start following one channel and learn from it, then as you get more skilled at sewing, you will always find more advanced sewing techniques on different channels.

Watch the videos as many times as you need to understand how to work on a sewing technique.

YouTube sewing channels are one of the best ways that will help you to get more skilled and you will get more great ideas to work on your projects.

Sewing Blogs

2 – I love how sewers around the globe love to share their best tips to help other sewers to do better on their sewing projects!

I’m not a professional sewer and I need lots of help very often, from learning how to sew on a zipper on a new dress, to how to make a young girls dress for Summer.

I love to sew and I know I’m good on some techniques, but every time I am starting to work on a new project for the first time, there might be a step I don’t know how to do, luckily for me and for you too, sewing bloggers might have already done that step a thousand times and they have come up with the easiest way to do it, all you need to do is to type on Google what sewing task you need to work on and it will give you a list of blogs to visit and from who you can learn to do that task.

Do you have a favorite sewing blog to share with us, leave the blog name on a comment, I will love to read it!

How To Books

3 – Books have always been the greatest way to learn about everything you’re up to in your life, and it won’t be any different for learning new sewing techniques.

You always can find the right book to learn more about sewing, it doesn’t matter if it is about the basics, or sewing, or some master technique, you can find a book to get better at any task you want to do with sewing.

One, two, or as many as you want to have at home, you always can grow your sewing books collection to learn from them any sewing task you want to get better at it.


4 – Who doesn’t know Pinterest today as the third source on the internet to find anything you want to, and Pinterest will make it easier for you to follow any sewing account you’re interested to read and to learn from.

As you start sewing, one of the best way to find good tutorials about sewing is Pinterest, and you can get your own account if you’re new at it, and get a board where you can save all the sewing tutorials you’re interested to read about in just one place!

Online Classes

5 – I’m getting to be a huge fan of online classes, I don’t know about you, but it’s so easy to sign up to a sewing online class and watch the videos one, two and even three times at least to learn new sewing techniques.

Sewing online classes are affordable and from most of them you get lifetime views.

Some of the sewing online classes are designed for learning a new task and you will find so many great online classes to sign up for on the internet.

In Person Sewing Classes

6 – If you’re new to sewing and you’re serious about learning this new skill, I will give you the advice to sign up to an in person sewing class.

Once you sign up for one in person sewing class, you will join a small group of people interested on learning the same sewing tasks as you, you will be in touch with the teacher and at the same time with the rest of the students.

You will be learning from each other, the teacher will be in charge of teaching the new technique, but you’ll be surprised how many times you’ll be learning from the rest students as well.

If you’re a beginner, you’ll be learning from the teacher and from your classmates, but if you have been sewing for some times, you might be the one sharing some tips to the rest of the students as well.

Attending an in person sewing classes is a win win situation most of the times!

Another good reason to attend an in person sewing class is that you will be building your own sewing network, in the future you might get an invitation to attend to another sewing class. But if you’re in the sewing business, you might get a referral of a client, because people will get to know you and your work and they will start telling their clients about your work

As you keep working on sewing as a hobby or as your own business, there will be always something new to learn about it. Today I shared the 6 resources I use to learn any new sewing skill I need or that I’m interested in.

I hope you find them helpful and you continue learning, sewing is something you’ll be happy to work at and as you learn more you will enjoy it more!

Do you have a sewing YouTube channel, a blog or a Pinterest account you love to watch, read or visit often? Leave the name so everyone can visit it too.


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Best Resources For Learning New Sewing Techniques


5 thoughts on “Best Resources For Learning New Sewing Techniques”

  1. My wife is passionate about sewing machine and recently I bought one more performance. As you said, there are many ways to learn new techniques in a sewing machine.
    My wife prefers to watch videos on youtube because she understands visually better than reading for example. I want to say that there are many techniques and I think we should all appreciate the people who still work at the sewing machine, because according to a statistic their number decreases every day. Robots have replaced everything and we no longer appreciate real human work.

    • Hi Nimrodngy

      I also like to watch YouTube videos, as your wife I’m also a visual learning person, and it’s good we all can learn new skills watching videos as many times as we need to learn how to do the sewing technique we want to learn. 

  2. Hello there! This is an amazing article you’ve got here. I had to stop a live training session which I paid almost $100 every week and at the end, for 3 months I didn’t see much result as I’m getting now since I started courses online. Now I can open my fashion house. This is wonderful!

    • Hi Evagreene

      Yes, online courses are one of the best way to learn new sewing skills, and you can watch them as many times as you need to.

  3. Very helpful article for everyone interested in sewing. I think you put together some good quality content and guidance on how to start or how to get better in sewing. I have to agree that the sources you mentioned are totally reliable in any kind of new skill person is interested. The power of youtube, Pinterest or similar kind of valuable internet provider, is just really huge. I think sewing is learning one to become more patient and learn the ability to stay focused for a while, not mentioning people who are doing it as a passion or eventually as a part-time business. I think you helped with your article any of those groups. I wish you the best luck with your online journey.

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