Sew Fabric Lunch Bag

Sew Fabric Lunch Bag with a pretty fabric to make your own and unique lunch bag for school or for the office!

If you’re tired of looking for a unique and pretty lunch bag to take to school or to the office, making your own with a pretty fabric is easy when you love to sew.

Today, we are happy to share an easy sewing tutorial with easy steps to follow to make a unique and pretty lunch bag, you can make it with a pretty cotton fabric, or you can make it with a thicker fabric like denim or a light canvas.

Sew Fabric Lunch Bag

Materials, Supplies and Tools

  • 2 pieces of cotton fabric of 18 x 13.5 inches (A)
  • 2 pieces of cotton fabric of 18 x 13.5 inches for the lining
  • 2 pieces of cotton fabric (A) of 3 x 12 inches for the handles
  • 2 pieces of cotton fabric (A) of 5.5 x 3.5 inches for the closure
  • 1 Button
  • Patchwok ruler
  • Rotary cutter
  • Cutting mat
  • Scissors
  • Needle
  • Pins
  • Polyester 100 % thread
  • Sewing Machine
  • Iron

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Sew Fabric Lunch Bag – Step by Set Tutorial

Step 1 – Cut All The Pieces Of Fabric For The Lunch Bag

Follow the measures on the picture below and cut out all the pieces with the patchwork ruler, the rotary cutter and the cutting mat.

If you don’t have all the tools mentioned above, you can cut out all the pieces with a good pair of scissors.

Press all the pieces.

Sew Fabric Lunch Bag

STep 2 – How To Sew The Lunch Bag

On your work table, lay the two pieces for the bag facing right side to right side, pinch some pins and stitch on the three sides marked on the picture below with a white line, 1/4″ seam.

Follow the same steps to sew on the two pieces for the lining. Don’t forget to leave a gap on one side of the lining to turn the lunch bag out later.

Sew Fabric Lunch Bag

Step 3 – How To Make The Boxed Bottom On the Lunch Bag

On each piece, the lunch bag and the lining, mark a square one each bottom corner of 3.5 x 3.5 inches from the stitching line.

Cut each corner with the help of a good pair of scissors.

Sew Fabric Lunch Bag

The two pieces should look like on the picture below, after you cut out the two corners on each piece.

Sew Fabric Lunch Bag

To make the boxed bottom on the lunch bag, take one piece at a time, open each bottom corner, and make the seams to meet with the seams open, pinch a couple of pins on each corner, do the same step on each corner on both pieces.

Sew Fabric Lunch Bag

Stitch on each corner.

Sew Fabric Lunch Bag

Step 4 – How to Make The Lunch Bag Closure

Lay the two pieces for the closure right side to right side and mark the 1/4″ seam, on the bottom draw the two curved corners, you can draw the curved corner with the help of a small glass or a small bottle.

Stitch on the seam, don’t forget to reinforce the seam on the beginning and at the end of the stitching.

Sew Fabric Lunch Bag

Trim the two curved corners with the help of a good pair of scissors for fabric, make some small cuts along the two curved corners. Turn the closure piece out and press.

Sew Fabric Lunch Bag

Top stitching the closure and sew a buttonhole on the curved end.

Sew Fabric Lunch Bag

Step 5 – How To Make The Handlers For The Lunch Bag

Take one piece of fabric for the handles at the time, and make a 1/4″ fold on one side of the handler, press, fold the other side to meet the first fold, press.

Fold the handlers in the middle and pinch some pins, do the same steps on the second handle.

Top stitch both sides of each handle.

Sew Fabric Lunch Bag

Step 6 – Stitch On The Two Handles And The Closure On The Lunch Bag.

Take the piece for the lunch bag, and on one top side, mark the middle, you need to meet the two seams to find the middle point on that side, press or pinch a pin.

Take the closure, and fold it on the middle to find the center on the open side. place the closure on the lunch bag, make the two middle points to meet (the lunch bag and the closure) pinch a couple of pins.

Measure 1 inch to both sides of the closure to place one handle, pinch a pin on each end of the handles.

To find the same place for the second handle, close the lunch bag, and place the handle on the other top side of the lunch bag, follow the first handle to pin the second in its place. By doing this, you will sew on both handles on the same place on both sides on the lunch bag.

Sew Fabric Lunch Bag

On the picture below, you can take a look on how both handles should be pinned on the lunch bag.

If you are a beginner sewer, I will recommend stitching on the two handles and the closure and remove the pins.

Sew Fabric Lunch Bag

Step 6 – Stitch On The Lunch Bag

Turn out the lining and place it inside the lunch bag, make sure the seams from the lining piece and the lunch bag meet. Pinch a few pins all around.

Sew Fabric Lunch Bag

Stitch on all around the lunch bag. (No need to leave a gap here)

Sew Fabric Lunch Bag

Turn out the bag by the gap you left open on the lining, stitch on to close the gap.

Put inside the lining in the lunch bag, and press the seam on the top, then you can do the top stitching.

Sew Fabric Lunch Bag

Step 7 – Stitch On The Sides.

To give more the form to the lunch bag, take each side and measure 4 inches from the seam to each side and stitch on each side two inches down. Don’t forget to reinforce the stitching at the beginning and at the end of each stitching.

Sew Fabric Lunch Bag

Step 8 – Open The Buttonhole and Sew On The Button.

With the help of a sharp point scissors or with the ripper, cut to open the buttonhole, close the closure on the lunch bag to find the place where you need to sew on the button.

Sew Fabric Lunch Bag

The lunch bag is finished and it looks amazing!

I hope you like this tutorial and make it. I’m sure after you make the first one, you’ll be making a few more!

No need to buy a new lunch bag when you can make them at home!

Sew Fabric Lunch Bag – Closing Thoughts

Sew Fabric Lunch BagThis is a perfect sewing project when you are just starting to sew, as it only has straight stitching lines to make and a few easy steps to follow, but the results are always amazing!

If you have been looking for a pretty lunch bag to take with you at school or to the office that is unique and different from the rest, you always can buy a pretty fabric to make your own lunch bag!

This is an easy sewing tutorial to make, that I’m sure beginners and the more experienced sewers will love to make!

More Sewing Tutorials:

1 thought on “Sew Fabric Lunch Bag”

  1. Haha thanks for the article my guy! Ya know, to be completely honest with you, I actually found this article really helpful. I’ve been looking for a good lunch bag for my mom, as she’s returning to work this week and doesn’t have one. Well, why not just make one herself! That’s a great idea that I never even thought about. I’ll make sure to tell her about that, and even recommend her your site! 

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