Can I Use Embroidery Thread On Sewing Projects?

When you love to sew, your sewing basket will soon be full with all type of threads, and for sure you might have some embroidery thread in your thread collection.

There are many different types of embroidery thread on the market, to use when you do hand embroidery and when you do embroidery with your sewing machine. When you’re an avid sewer, you might want to sew on a project with a thread you already have, but choosing the wrong type of threading for a project, might not be the best, and it might be hard for you to manage the right stitching, or your project might not have the perfect professional finish.

Can I use embroidery thread on sewing projects? Yes, embroidery thread can be used in many sewing projects, as it’s made stronger and it can be used to stitch on a seam or to decorate a project with some embroidery stitches that comes with your sewing machine.

Different Types Of Embroidery Thread

Let’s talk first about how many types of embroidery thread you can find on the market, as you can find embroidery thread to use when you do hand embroidery, and when you do embroidery on a sewing machine.

Embroidery thread for hand embroidery can be used on your sewing projects when you want to add some details to any project, it will be easy to find many different types of embroidery floss in cotton, silk, linen and metallic thread, but you can also find Perle threads that is used on different types of embroidery. But these types of thread can’t be used on your sewing machine, and they are not recommended being used to stitch on any seam on a project by hand as these thread are not made for this purpose and your stitching won’t be strong enough.

Embroidery thread for machine embroidery, there are plenty of brands and types on the market where you can find the one to be used on your project.

This thread is made strong and it has a high level of sheen on it, and the twist is looser. This type of thread is made thicker than regular thread, as it needs to go multiple times through the fabric when creating a design, for this reason, if you decide to use it on a project with straight stitching like a seam, it will work fine and it will give the project the strength it needs.

Can You Sew With Embroidery Thread On A Regular Sewing Machine?

Yes you can use embroidery thread on your sewing machine when making any project, as it’s made strong and thicker.

When using embroidery thread on your sewing machine when making a project, always run a test on a scrap of the same fabric you’re using on your project and take a look on how the thread looks and you might need to set your sewing machine tension for this type of thread. Once you’re happy with the results on the test, you can work on your project.

When working with embroidery thread on your sewing machine, you might want to put a net on the spool as it tends to unroll faster than regular thread, by doing this, it will prevent getting your thread tangled.

Can I Use Embroidery Thread On Sewing Projects

Can You Use Embroidery Thread To Sew Cloths?

Yes, as embroidery thread is made strong, it can be used on your sewing projects to make different types of cloths. However, you might need to run a test previously to start working on your project, by doing this, you will be able to see how this thread looks on the seams and also the sample will help you to set up your sewing machine so it delivers the stitching quality for your projects.

You can find the right embroidery thread for each one of your projects, as there are embroidery threads made of cotton, silk, polyester, rayon, and also you can find a blend of these fibers.

However, as embroidery thread is not designed to make cloths, it might present some problems at the time to try to sew with it, if the thread is too thin, it might not be strong enough to be used to stitch on the seams, and it won’t help you to get the professional finish you want to deliver from your work.

Can You Use Embroidery Thread For Hand Sewing?

Yes, it can be used for hand sewing, but if you have the option of using sewing thread, then I will recommend using this last one for your hand stitching on a project, as I’ve used the embroidery thread and there are a few things to consider before you start working on your project.

When You Use Embroidery Thread Made For Sewing Machines

  • When you use embroidery thread on a project for hand sewing, it might get often tangled, causing you to stop your stitching often to get thread untangled,
  • Embroidery thread ends will often slip and it may slip with ease from your needle, this may cause it to take longer to work on your project.

When You Use Embroidery Thread Made For Hand Sewing

Yes, embroidery thread can be used for hand sewing, and there are many different types of threads that you can use.

Embroidery floss – There are plenty of colors and tones where you can choose one for your projects, and you can use, one, two or more strands of thread on your needle to make your stitching strong enough to be used on your project.

Perle Thread – Get the right thickness of thread you need, it will be easier to work with it and it will give your project the professional finish.

When To Use Embrodery Thread For Hand Sewing

There are some projects where you need to add some hand sewing or embroidery and you can’t find any other type of thread with the same color you need for this project, then you may want to work with short thread on your needle and reinforce the stitching at the beginning and at the end.

Closing Thoughts

Embroidery thread is good for adding some details on any sewing project, but it’s also good to be used on your sewing machine to sew on a project, as the thread made to be used on a sewing machine is stronger than thread made for sewing.

Embroidery thread for machine embroidery can be found in different thickness and in plenty of colors and tones that you won’t have any problem to find the one to use on your next project.

Store your thread safe from direct sunlight, dust and humidity to keep it good to be used anytime.

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Can I Use Embroidery Thread On Sewing Projects